Monday, 6 July 2015

SMB's new premises - building update...

Well, despite soaring temperatures last week (we had a high of 36°C on Wednesday & averaged 25°C for the rest of the week - we're British, so that's way-hot for us!) the building work has continued in leaps & bounds & we are now the proud owners of some walls! Check it out:

The upstairs office & meeting room are taking shape

Downstairs & this will be the ante-room to the technician's clean-room lair :-)

This is the entrance to the kitchen & other welfare facilities (posh speak for the loo)...

The office is taking shape, with windows installed & partition walls nearing completion

In the next few days, the climate control systems will be installed &, once all the wiring is completed the final walls & the floating ceilings can be put in place.   It's then that all the really exciting (expensive) stuff starts being installed -the clean room is going to be a thing of great beauty, do we really have to let the technician in - he might make a mess?!

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